Gaetz Memorial
United Church
Come & join the conversation at 10-11 AM every Wednesday morning
Wednesday Morning Chats:
Coffee and Convos: Every 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th Wednesday of the month, we meet in the cozy surroundings of the Runway Café on Ross Street. All are welcome to come for delicious snacks, a cup of coffee, and engaging conversation with your minister and others in the circle. All are welcome.
Deja-Brew: we all agree that aging brings its joys and delights, as well as its challenges. With ever-changing lives, minds, and bodies, it is good to have a place to share a cuppa and a story or two. We meet on the first Wednesday of every month in the Church Parlor.
Zoom Coffee Chat: December 15,& 22 , 2024 following the church service. Zoom link available from the church office. 403-347-2244
Gaetz Memorial United Church, 4758 Ross Street, Red Deer, Alberta T4N 1X2
Phone: 403-347-2244. Email: [email protected]