Gaetz Memorial
United Church
Do you enjoy walking? Consider yourself invited to the Walking United group.
Meetings are on Monday mornings at 9:15am.
The group visits and walks the trail system in Red Deer in usually no more than 1 hour.
Click here for ...Parking information ...
The AOTS team extends an invitation to all. Our group includes both men and women who meet to foster Christian faith, provide fellowship and food.
We meet on the first Monday of each month at 6:00pm unless there is a conflict with a long weekend, then it is on the second Monday.
6pm Potluck Supper (please bring your own plates and utensils) followed by guest speaker at 7pm.
We welcome all men to meet the first Friday of each month at 8:00am, at ABC restaurant, 2085 50th Ave., Red Deer.
For information call Ray at 403-304-2581 or email [email protected].
Gaetz Memorial United Church Women welcome all women to meet to share fellowship, service and personal enrichment times.
Meetings are the third Tuesday of each month at 1:30pm in the Parlour.
Gaetz Memorial United Church, 4758 Ross Street, Red Deer, Alberta T4N 1X2
Phone: 403-347-2244. Email: [email protected]