Gaetz Memorial
United Church
Welcome to the Gaetz Kids Program
We have a creative Christian Development team whose main focus is the vibrancy of Community through children’s, youth, and young adult ministries.
Time for Young and Young at Heart: Welcoming children and all to a time of reflection and celebration of the Spirit each Sunday during our regular service.
Sunday School:
Each Sunday we provide creative ways to engage in the teachings of Jesus, either through prepared lessons or in community at play.
Sunday morning program runs from September to June.
Sunday school will be on the first and third Sundays of the month and playroom will be available the second and fourth Sundays of the month.
Sunday School/Playroom
Our Christian Development committee has volunteers in the Playroom each week. We are very excited for our new curriculum this year that is play based and developmentally appropriate for our learners. On the first and third Sundays we will have a hands-on curriculum lesson based on the lectionary and on the second and fourth Sundays we will have a Playroom scripture story and small activity based on the scripture. If you are interested in being a volunteer contact our committee at [email protected]
All Ages Engagement: Much fun is had in the shenanigans of these activities. Our annual Amazing Race, Live Clue, and potlucks bring generations together: sharing, caring, and having fun.
Saturday Shenanigans March 22 noon - All ages event - Games and Potluck
Meet in lower hall at Gaetz United for potluck followed by games.
If you have any inquiries about Christian Development, Sunday School, FUN Fridays, adult education, or volunteer opportunities, please talk to a member of our CD committee (Kathleen Reid, Melanie Grant, Marsha Anders, Colleen Cromwell) or email
[email protected]
Thank you to all the volunteers who helped make United Kids Camp 2024 (Aug 6-8) a great experi- ence for all who attended. The United Churches of Red Deer shared resources and worked together to offer this camp for ages 5-11 at Gaetz Memorial United Church. The theme Make a Joyful Noise was explored each day. Creation, Gratitude and Love were explored through bible stories, crafts, music, games and community guests.
We would like to express our love and appreciation for all who gave their time and energy to help make this first United Kids Camp since 2019 a success. Many thanks to ALL of those involved in the various roles of facilitators, registration, storytelling, games leader, craft leaders, group leaders (youth & adult), music leadership. A special thanks to those who helped make snack a huge success! There were many smiles seen throughout the week.
What is the purpose of this PLAY ROOM? PLAY! And joy!
Within these walls and upon this floor the feet will dance of children playing, stretching, exploring and challenging themselves with new achievements as the years go by. Memories of goodness are made in such moments as this place will bring.
The Playroom is available from newborns to pre-Kindergarten (4 years old) during weekly worship services. The Playroom is open during the first part of the worship service if any families need the time to wriggle and giggle and a volunteer will be in the playroom to supervise play and maybe share a story or two (following the Time with Children & Families in the service).
For parents who prefer to keep their children close to them, an Activity corner is provided at the back of the sanctuary (chapel side), stocked with toys and activities.
If you are interested in volunteering/participating with the exciting faith journey of our children and youth please contact the church office or email Melanie and Kathleen at
[email protected]
Gaetz Memorial United Church, 4758 Ross Street, Red Deer, Alberta T4N 1X2
Phone: 403-347-2244. Email: [email protected]