Funerals and grief care at Gaetz Memorial United Church are coordinated by our Ministry Staff and our office manager.

The minister will meet with the family to discuss and plan the service, discover the life history of the deceased person and make any necessary plans for continuing grief care.

Included in the cost of a funeral service are the services of an organist and sound technician. A church-provided Funeral Host will be required at an additional cost if no funeral home is involved.

Upon request members of the United Church Women (UCW) can provide catered lunch and coffee following the service.

Live Streaming of Memorial/Funeral Services available upon request subject to availability of Operators . To view live streaming service of previous funeral services , go to Life Celebrations with Gaetz United Facebook Page.

Contact the church office for information and costs involved at 403-347-2244.

Life Celebrations with Gaetz United 

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