Gaetz Memorial
United Church
Lent Study - Something Sacred Reflections on Music and Faith Wednesdays 5:30- 7PM March 5 - April 9 at Gaetz United church. To register please contact the office 403-347-2244
World Day of Prayer Service - "I Made You Wonderful" Saturday March 8 1:30 PM at Gaetz United Church. here
National Affirm/PIE Day - March 14 7 PM at Gaetz United Church. Click here for poster and information ----
Saturday Shenanigans March 22 noon - All ages event - Games and Potluck Meet in lower hall at Gaetz United for potluck followed by games.
COFFEE AND CONVOS What’s new? What’s old? What’s on your mind? Come and share with your community of faith at COFFEE AND CONVOS every Wednesday at 10:00 a.m.( except 1 st Wednesday of the month) in the comfortable surroundings of the Runway Café on Ross Street.
DEja Brew- The gifts and challenges of aging affect all of us in one way or another. Join us at Gaetz United Church to share in conversations about aging on the 1st Wednesday of each month at 10 AM . Coffee will be provided. It will be held Jan. 8 ,2025 then return to normal scheduling.
Ladies Who Lunch - Monday March 3 11:45 Albert's Restuarant 5020 47 Ave. Red Dee .All women are invited for conversation and lunch
Handbell practice is on Thursday nights!
Gaetz Ringers 7-8:30PM
Anyone interested in learning how to play bells please contact Melanie. For more information, please contact Melanie Grant 403-318-4183.
Synergy Intergenerational Worship Band New players welcome! Tell your friends! Rehearsal will be held in the sanctuary after worship 11:45-1 PM Sundays. Rehearsals resume in Jan. 2025 . Contact Gordon at [email protected] for more information
Sanctuary Choir -Rehearsals resume in January,2025
Please contact Dale Dickau at [email protected] for more information.
Live Streaming will be posted on Gaetz Memorial United Church Facebook Page and Gaetz Memorial United Church Youtube Page at 10:30 AM Sunday Mornings.
The Prostate Cancer Support Group
Please call for information: Maurice Paul (403) 704-3544
Are you new to the Gaetz community since we have gone online? Whether you are joining us from Red Deer or from afar, whether you have been attending for a while or have just joined us, we are so glad to have you in our community of faith and would love to welcome you personally. Please help us get to know you better by sharing your contact info with our church office, and our minister will be happy to be in touch with you. Email: [email protected] or call 403-347-2244.
New Facebook Page –
Life Celebrations with Gaetz United
This Facebook Page will livestream Memorial Services and Weddings held at Gaetz United upon request.
Join us for Walking
United. We meet at 9:15 a.m. on Monday’s at various trails in the city. Our walks are usually no more than 1 hour. Come when you can, no experience necessary! For more information call Brenda Reid @ 403 346-6838 or Caron Murray (403)
396-2376 Click here -
Walking Schedule Winter/Spring
Spirit of Wellness
What we do: We partner with a variety of community organizations and groups (schools, non-profits, environmental, arts, human services, spiritual, business) in providing opportunities for individuals to enhance their wellness.
We create opportunities for people to share experiences related to spiritual exploration, personal healing, and community development. Who we are: This initiative is organized by Sunnybrook United Church and Gaetz United Church, along with a variety of partners in and around Red Deer. For more information and dates of events go to Spirit of Wellness Facebook Page.
Art for the Heart - 2 day arts and wellness experience and opportunity for youth. Grades 8 - 12 Click here for Poster .Pg 1.... Pg. 2 Registration Forms available at Gaetz United Church Office
Gaetz United Church is always grateful for your support. Have you considered donating through PAR or E-Transfer? Both are easy and convenient ways to contribute! Call the office for more info 403-347-2244 PAR (pre-authorized remittance) is an easy way to support your church while you are away. Your givings continue even though you are not in attendance. It is easy to sign up, see Tracy in the church office. And if you are currently on PAR, perhaps it is time to adjust your monthly amount. Talk to Tracy if you would like to raise your PAR givings.
Being Grateful – Giving Thanks – Sharing Abundance
Gaetz Memorial United Church, 4758 Ross Street, Red Deer, Alberta T4N 1X2
Phone: 403-347-2244. Email: [email protected]